Splashdown Pond Skim

Apr 13, 2025
The Splashdown Pond Skimming Championships Hits Steamboat once again on Sunday, April 13! Celebrating another fantastic season at Steamboat, this event has antics like you wouldn't believe. The Splashdown Pond Skimming Championships brings brave (and slightly crazy) skiers and riders in costume with a dream - of crossing the icy pond successfully - and, if they're lucky, with style!
9:30am - 11:30am: Participants must check in at the Steamboat tent in Steamboat Square or their spot will be released.
1:00pm: Pond Skim begins, first come, first serve basis
Award Ceremony will be shortly after the conclusion of the skim on the Steamboat Stage
Click here for more information.
Steamboat Springalicious Festival
Apr 1 - Apr 13, 2025
Incredible Colorado bluebird sunny days, hilarious and fun events and a boatload of snow mean spring will shine a whole lot brighter in Steamboat-Ski Town, U.S.A.®. Steamboat celebrates the close of the winter season with a weeklong festival, including Springalicious festivities, fun events such as the Cardboard Classic and Splashdown Pond Skim and FREE music concerts.